FAQ'S-Frequently Asked Questions:
Wondering how to store Kansas City finest Scimeca's Italian products since 1935 properly, how to grill and create the perfect mouth watering meal or how to order the perfect gift online for those who enjoy quality meats?
Find answers covering Scimeca's Italian products, proper storage, shipping, grilling, gift certificates and more below.
If you have questions, give us a call: 816-599-6020 or email us at orders@ScimecasOnline.com. We’re available to help you during business hours Monday-Friday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST.

Our Products
Scimeca's serves only the highest quality products. Since 1935 families have trusted Scimeca's on their dinner tables at home.
An Order
We make it fast and convenient for you to place an order. Click HERE to shop our products.
Packaging & Shipping
Find answers to all of your shipping questions HERE.
Find answers to all of your shipping questions HERE.